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Reasons to invest

Benefiting from connectivity

A safe and well-connected business hub. Outstandingly networked. Rich in talent: The ideal place to be and to invest

1. Perfectly connected

  • One of Europe’s leading passenger and cargo airports. 

  • Outstanding road and rail – home to Germany’s busiest highway intersection and largest and central rail hub

  • Superb internal connectivity thanks to extensive and ultra-fast local public transport network

  • The country’s largest internet node and Europe’s fastest growing data center market

  • Key cities such as Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, and Zurich at the most four hours away by comfortable high-speed train


2. Powerful business hub

  • Competence and manufacturing hub for several key industries such as the Life Sciences, IT, and Automotive sectors

  • 450,000 companies

  • Some 2.5 million employees

  • Over 150 world market leaders have located HQ or R&D functions here

  • Among the world’s 25 best start-up locations (Genome Startup Report 2022), strong start-up ecosystem, specialized particularly in cybersecurity, fintech, legaltech, proptech, insuretech and blockchain

Industry Overview

3. Talent

  • 43 universities and universities of applied sciences 

  • More than 250,000 students, including 90,000 STEM and 40,000 economics/business students; just short of 15,000 STEM (MINT) graduates each year

  • More than 100 international study programs

  • 28 research institutions, such as world-renowned Fraunhofer, Leibniz & Max Planck institutes or the Paul Ehrlich Institute


Learn more about Education 

Find Talent

4. Europe‘s financial center

  • 180 international banks have their regional or European HQs in Frankfurt, e.g. Deutsche Bank, KfW, Commerzbank, DZ Bank

  • National & European institutions & supervisory agencies such as the German Bundesbank, European Central Bank, BaFin, EIOPA and AMLA (soon)

  • Home to Deutsche Börse AG, the national exchange operating company, with the Frankfurt Stock Exchange at its heart

  • Strong reputation for political and financial accountability, expertise, and stability

  • Fintech & cybersecurity hub

  • Outstanding national and international expertise in consulting and legal services as well as highly specialized experts in the corporate and tax advisory segments

5. Internationality

  • More than 180 nationalities and a welcoming multicultural atmosphere rooted in the beginnings of the Frankfurt international trade fair

  • More than 30 international schools, 10 offering an International Baccalaureate (IB)

  • More than 100 consulates and diplomatic missions

  • Strong international communities from China, France, Great Britain, India, Japan, Korea, and the USA

Our International Communities

+ Quality of Life

The region consistently scores very highly as one of the best regions worldwide in terms of the quality of life: Find out why Frankfurt RheinMain is the natural choice for your business – and for you and your family.

Learn more

Do you any have specific question about the region or how to set up a business here?

We are just a phone call or an email away and will be happy to assist you any time.

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