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Find Talent

Recruiting staff

Find the right talent in Germany

Benefit from an outstanding talent pool to drive your success: Find out more about the RheinMain workforce.

Germany: Europe’s largest labor market

  • Made in Germany primarily stands for the 45 million well-trained and qualified employees in Germany.

  • Talent pool: More than 500,000 students graduate from an institute of higher education each year.

  • Qualifications: More than 86 percent of the German workforce has completed secondary or higher education.

  • Experience: Thanks to the dual education system (sandwich courses with students alternating between college and internships), prospective employees have already gained practical on the job experience before completing their education and training.

Your future in Frankfurt RheinMain starts with qualified staff

A wide range of subject areas coupled with high research standards: The universities of Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Giessen, Mainz, and Marburg and the universities of applied science, not to mention the countless other higher education institutions are busy training the staff of tomorrow. These young graduates are invariably multilingual, versatile and tech-savvy. Regionally speaking, the level of expertise in finance and engineering is particularly high. It is no surprise that a vibrant local start-up scene with fintech, proptech and cybersecurity companies has evolved in recent years.

How can you recruit workers in Germany?

In Germany, there are various employment models that offer expanding companies real flexibility:

  • Permanent contracts
  • Fixed-term contracts
  • Temporary contracts

Planning to open a branch in our region? You can draw on a sizeable pool of suitable employees here.

You can find new employees through:

  • headhunters and B2B recruiting
  • specialized online platforms and the social media
  • ads on career websites.


Our support

Stay up-to-date with current trends and manage cultural challenges: Thanks to the unique expertise of our country teams you avoid local recruiting mistakes and choose the right strategy or partner to hire the best people for your company.

Looking for a headhunter directly or want to contact recruiting companies based in Greater Frankfurt? Then click below:

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