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Whistleblower system

Whistleblower system of the FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH - Ombudswoman

Long term success of our company is based on integrity and compliance. Hence, to be compliant with legal requirements and internal regulations is our top priority.
In order to live up to this claim, it is important to become aware of wilful misconduct by our employees and business partners.
We have therefore set up a whistleblower system in the form of an ombudswoman.

By providing our whistleblower system, we offer all employees and third parties the opportunity to confidentially report information to the ombudswoman.
The ombudswoman's duty of confidentiality as an attorney ensures that the identity of whistleblowers is reliably protected and may not be disclosed to us or third parties.
Identity of the person may only be disclosed if the whistleblower gives their expressed consent.
In certain cases, the whistleblower may also contact the competent authorities (e.g. BaFin). Questions in this regard can be addressed to the ombudswoman.

The presumption of innocence applies until misconduct is proven.
In cases of doubt, the ombudswoman is also available for counselling. There are no costs for the individual.

Contact details of the ombudswoman:

Address:   Buchert Jacob Partner Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

                 Kaiserstrasse 2, 60311 Frankfurt am Main

                 Telephone: 069-71033330

                 Fax: 069: 71034444

                 E-mail: dr-jacob@at@myownproviderdr-buchert..de.de / dr-buchert@at@myownproviderdr-buchert..de.de

Information can also be submitted confidentially via an SSL-encrypted whistleblower reporting form at the following link https://report.ombudsperson-frankfurt.de/en?c=FrankfurtRheinMain
Dr. Jacob is represented by lawyer Dr. Rainer Buchert from the same law firm.

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